Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Every morning when NyCee wakes up, I remove her diapers and let her "air out" from the night before. I believe this is one of the reasons she has never had a diaper rash.

This morning was no different. I removed her diaper and placed her on the floor to walk to the bathroom. When I turned around, there was a wet spot on the floor. L.J. laughed and said, "When will you ever learn to stop doing that? You better put a diaper on her before she makes poopie." I cleaned the floor and motioned for NyCee to follow me.

She began walking toward me and then stopped. When I didn't hear her little footsteps, I turned around and noticed that she had squat down. Then you can guess what happened next. After she was done making poopie on my bedroom floor, she proceeded to walk toward me as if nothing had occured.

L.J laughed, Nycee smiled, and I had to clean up the mess. Moral to the story, don't let your unpotty trained baby walk around naked 1st thing in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you take time to remove her diaper in the morining, why not place her on the potty? This way she will not poopie on the floor and maybe, just maybe, she will become potty trained.