Sunday, November 15, 2009

Last week was busy...

So, Faith Explosion (FX09) kicked off Thursday night. The speaker was Jesse Duplantis. The place was packed. Jesse teaches in a practical, humorous manner which draws people to his meetings. I was not in the sanctuary as I was working the foyer. Dionne had to oversee the seating in the sanctuary of the guest pastors so that left me to oversee the greeters' and 1st time visitors' ministries. It was cool. She knew I could be trusted with the task and I made her look good. Which made Drs. Tom and Maureen Anderson look good. Which makes God look good. That is what serving is all about.

I did manage to find time to break down Little Fred's high chair. It was time for him -way past time actually- for him to transition to a booster chair. He had to feel it out but he's good in it. He has not been throwing food or his cup lately which is a good thing.

NyCee has learned the art of negotiation. Tonight, she asked for Nilla Wafers, mommy's guilt pleasure, before bed. I have been working with her to understand when she is told "No" that is it and not to continue asking. As I stated, I am working on this. First, she asked for Nilla Wafers (notice the "s"). Then, she dropped that down to one (1) Nilla Wafer to help her sleep. The answer, still a resounding "No."

I have no idea where she gets her negotiation skills.

As for me, back to the books as I have an assignment due tomorrow. Probably should do some research to write the paper. But I will get it done. Always do.

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