Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Little Red Stick..Who Knew?

Prior to moving into our new house, there was a post office down the road from where we use to live. I passed the post office everyday which was very convenient when items needed to be placed in "snail mail". Well, when we moved into our new house, I had to give up that convenience.

So each time that I had documents to mail, I would take them to work (I work at the Atlanta Airport approximately 25 minutes away) and give them to our administrative assistant to be placed in the daily mail.

One day a co-worker came into my office and asked what I was doing as I had several pieces of mail on my desk that I was placing stamps on. I proceeded to tell the story of how the post office is no longer convenient so I have to bring my mail to work so that it can be mailed out. She asked, "Why don't you just place it in your mailbox?" My thought was, "Why would I place mail in the mailbox?" Noticing the confused look on my face, she replied, "Place it in the mailbox and lift the little red stick." The light bulb went on and I replied, "Oh that's what that is for?" She immediately fell to the floor in laughter.

Let me explain. I grew up in Detroit. Whenever my parents needed items mailed, they sent us to the corner of Forest and Seminole to place the mail in the blue mailbox. I had no idea that you could place mail in your own personal mailbox and the mail carrier would retrieve it for you. What a novel idea!

Of course, I then needed to test this new found information. I went home that night and found anything that I could mail. I didn't care what it was. I carefully placed it in the mailbox and lifted the little red stick. The next day when I arrived home from work I immediately ran to the mailbox to see if the mail was gone. Sure enough, it was! For the next several days, I kept mailing items just because. Who knew that you could do that?

Okay, here is the kicker. One Saturday, I had forgotten to place a piece of mail in my mailbox for pick up. As I turned into my subdivision, I noticed that the mail carrier had just passed my house. I drove up quickly and placed the mail in the box and lifted my little red stick in the hope that the mail carrier would see that I forgot a piece of mail and would return to retrieve it. No such luck. That lonely piece of mail sat in the mailbox all weekend. I have learned that you have one shot to get the mail retrieved out of the box. Otherwise, it will have to wait.

Ever notice how some individuals can grasp the most complex ideals, yet have trouble with simplicity? That's me! Not to worry, now my little red stick gets a weekly work out.


Undomestic said...

This is SO FUNNY! Growing up in the suburbs, we only went to the postoffice when a package needed mailed, or my mom needed to buy stamps. Such a boring place I thought it was.

Melvin does NOT like to mail things from our mailbox. He thinks people will take our mail. I have no problem with it. But he also thinks we need to lock our cars that are in our locked garage.

Funny how your ideas can be so different based on your life experience.

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