Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Eternal Optimist

The title best describes one of the characteristics of my mother. No matter how dark the day, gloomy the sky, or grim the report—she will always find the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or silver lining on the dark cloud. This is a trait that she inherited from my grandmother the late Mrs. Minnie Ella Fulton Porties. My grandmother always had a kind word on her lips, a smile on her face, or words of wisdom to share with those around her. My younger sister is the same way. If she receives bad news, she gets down for about 5 seconds and then moves on and tries to find another path to take.

Yesterday, I published a blog titled, “F.U.B.A.R!” because that is truly the state that I was in and of course, I received a call from my mother. She let me wallow in self-pity for about 2 minutes and then brought out the positive sides of my situation. Naturally, she would have to find them because I could not see anything positive about the last few months. She spoke of the joys of being able to instill my values and morals in my daughter during her formidable years. Also, I have been trying to complete my undergraduate studies for years and work has always been a priority so it took a back seat. I am about a year away from completing the program and that time can be cut in half if I attend full-time.

The situation that I am in right now places me between a rock and a hard place. I have too much experience for entry level work but no degree for management. So what is the solution? Take the time now to complete at least the Bachelor’s degree so that will no longer be a factor for position denials. That makes complete sense. But that means staying in Georgia another 2 years maybe. Oh I get sick to my stomach just thinking of that but it is not going to kill me I guess. I have decided that I must practice the family trait passed down from my grandmother. Don’t focus on the negative—find the positive and let that be my guide. (I know that’s easier said than done but I have to try. Being depressed isn’t getting me anywhere.) Thank God for mothers who are the voices of reason and help to bring a smile to otherwise frowned faces.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Thank God for Moms! Seeing this post, put a smile on my face!

Undomestic said...

You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dayna, that's all I have been trying to say, I just don't quite say it right. Maybe it's that mothers edge that makes it so good. If that is the case then when I finally have kids, I will sound like Mama for real!!

Yes,thanks Ma. You do always know what to say and it always makes me feel so much better. You are a miracle worker. I love you!!