Saturday, August 26, 2006

Motherhood changes things

When I found out I was pregnant many people told me how my life would change. My thoughts were of the time it would take me to get dressed, sharing food, lack of sleep etc. I had no idea that it would be this drastic.

Before NyCee, I had a collection of purses to match outfits and shoes. Below are just a few examples.

The first time that I traveled with her, I had a purse, laptop computer, stroller, car seat and a diaper bag. Too much stuff! I noticed that my cousin, who lives in Minnesota, carried a back pack and I often thought to myself, "Why?" But I never asked her. Well, I didn't need to ask her as I figured it out. This is my new purse. Yes a pink and gray back pack. It is so much more convenient than carrying a purse plus a diaper bag. I have all the things I need such as lotion, car keys, writing utensils, etc. And all the things that NyCee needs: diapers, wipes, change of clothes, etc.

Yes, that is a picture of a pink wallet. Come on, did you honestly expect an less of me? Okay so I have to carry a back pack as a purse but I can still accessorize.


Undomestic said...

Love the backpack!!!!

Anonymous said...


You ladies are so much more smarter than we were when we had babies! We did have sense enough to stop carrying purses and just carry the diaper bag, but a back pack would have been so much more convenient. And yes, girls they did have them way back then (smile).

Love, Auntie Nita

P.S.: Just like Auntie Roz I'm late reading your blogs, I just got back to work, I'm not on line at home yet. But I love your blogs! Nycee looks so cute in the pictures you post! Kiss her and Lewis and tell them both I said "hey" and I love you all.