Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Waste of Money

I had to buy a TI-83 plus calculator for my Decriptive Statisitics Math class.
Cost: $99.95

I still haven't figured out the purpose of this class or how it relates to my major--Human Resources, yet it is a required course. The instruction manual for the calculator is as thick as the book for the class. My instructor emphasized that this model is required and she will not attempt to explain the use of any other model and the problems cannot be solved without this specific model calculator. Then she should be required to purchase the calculator for the students in her class.

I can think of better things to to with $99.95(plus tax) rather than purchase a calculator that I am only going to use for 11 weeks and then put up somewhere and it will collect dust.

1 comment:

Undomestic said...

My niece in high school had to buy one of those $99 ones as well (well, her mom bought it). Crazy!!!