Tonight, I decided I would have a date night. After all, I deserve some alone time. Plus I believe it is healthy. With that noted, I went to have a pedicure and a manicure. This was really a treat for me as it has been nearly two (2) years since I have been to the nail spa.
There was a time when that was a bi-monthly routine. But other things became a priority.
As I walked into the spa, I felt a little pang of guilt. I began to think,
"Really Dayna, this $40 could be used for something else." But I really couldn't think of anything that was needed with the $40.
I went shopping for the kids' summer clothes last week. (It will be in the 80s beginning next month. Again, this is why I traveled through the wilderness to get to the Promised Land-Ha!) But seriously, as a single mom, I am constantly thinking of my kids and planning ahead. I very rarely buy myself anything anymore.
While I recognize that is not healthy, it's my reality. First God, then my babies. But after wrestling with my mind that it's okay for me to spend the $40, I sat in the chair and relaxed. It's amazing how much more you appreciate something when it is gone and then restored.
On a different thought, I was trying to decide what to do with Smurfette when I take delivery of the new mini-van. (A few months ago I picked out a name for my new car. Her name is Fabulous. Because God is just so tremendously FABULOUS!) Anyway, I didn't want to sell or trade-in the car. So I surfed the Internet and found the perfect solution.
As many of you know, my cousin
Cari is a breast cancer survivor. Additionally, two of my co-workers at my weekend job are survivors as well. Because this illness has touched the lives of people dear to me, I support breast cancer research anyway possible. I buy products with the pink ribbon if it's an item I need and I only buy breast cancer stamps from the post office. Yes, these things may be slightly more expensive but the proceeds benefit thousands of woman and their families.
With that said, Smurfette will be donated to
cars for breast cancer.Be generous: Invest in acts of charity. Charity yields high returns.
Don't hoard your goods; spread them around.
Be a blessing to others. Ecclesiastes 11:1-2a (The Message)