Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekly Update

Okay, so I finally bought a new camera that I just removed from the box. Now, I just have to install the software on the computer. I am working on it.

So, I was at church a few weeks ago and spoke to a guy I see all the time. To me, he is just a cool dude. I usually give him a high five when I see him. No biggie-do. But he threw me a little off balance when he called me GORGEOUS! I rode that for like a week. After having two kids and a roller coaster of a year, I was like "WOW! Someone thinks I am gorgeous. That's cool."

But he did it again! Dude, yeah, I'm hot! HA! HA!

Let me think what else is going on?

NyCee's birthday is this week. Pretty exciting. I realized for the past three (3) years, NyCee has had a birthday in a different state. GA, MI, and now AZ. Well, as long as she is under my care, the remainder of her childhood birthdays will be in AZ unless we are on a family vacation.

Tyler is pulling himself up on the furniture. He is still doing the army crawl but I think that is because he prefers that position. He knows how to crawl. Hey, maybe he wants to have a military career.

My goals this week:
Finish a book I started last week.
Receive a wonderfully expected surprise!
And install the CD to the camera on my computer.

1 comment:

Mz Ida said...

You have always been gorgeuos - - but an unexpected compliment is always nice !!! Nana Ida