Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things Removed

So lately, little Ms. Taylor has kicked up her game a notch. She has been testing the waters a little more than usual. No worries, this is why God gave mommies the one up. A couple of days ago, she thought it would be a good idea to tear pages out of her books. So I took away all the books for one day. Now, after reading time, she neatly stacks the books on the shelf.

She gets her hair combed on Tuesday nights because she has swimming class Tuesday mornings. Normally, I will let her watch a TV program while I comb her hair. Well, she chose to have a tantrum when I told her a particular program was off limits. I turned off the television. She then proceeded to cry even more. After a few minutes, she calmed down and asked if she could watch TV because she stopped having a tantrum. I replied, "No, you may not." And the TV remained in the off position.

Now, I know some of you are reading this and thinking, "Dayna, she is only three." Yeah no. NyCee is old enough to understand there are consequences for actions. If I started making excuses today for tantrums, then the excuses will continue when she is a teenager. My philosophy: little child, little problem. Big child, bigger problems.

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