Saturday, July 07, 2007

Wetumpka Holiday

On the 4th of July, my parents, NyCee, Lewis, Taliyah, and I enjoyed the holiday at home. I bar-b-qued and had the normal sides for 4th of July. Baked beans, greens, potato salad, etc. But on July 5th, we headed for Wetumpka, AL.

My grandparents, Ollie & Martha Bell, live about 2 hours away and whenever my parents come to visit they try to go and see them. Lewis, NyCee, Taliyah, and I tagged along for the ride.

Lewis and Grandaddy are so competitive. They played a game of horse shoes and Lewis lost. That did not go over well and he actually played the game alone in an effort to "improve his game" to beat granddad the next round.

Next, the whole family joined in the game. My mom and granddad had a match but my mom lost. The entire family walked from one horse shoe pit to the other and I finally asked, "Why are we walking back and forth? We aren't playing." It was explained that if we failed to walk back & forth, we may be hit in the head with a horse shoe. So of course, I joined in the back and forth stroll.
Caitlyn is the little girl who lives next door to my grandparents. I was so glad to see that there would be someone for Taliyah to play with. She and Caitlyn jumped rope and played on the water slide. By the end of the night, everyone was exhausted.

Of course when we arrived Ms. Martha had a feast prepared. Roast, baked chicken, macaroni and cheese, lima beans with okra, potato salad and a red velvet cake with pecans in the frosting. YUMM-O! Everything was delicious.

We had a much needed and enjoyable, albeit short, July family vacation.


Anonymous said...

You forgot about those delicious greens that your husband tried to eat all by himself (lol).

Anonymous said...

The group picture is perfect for framing, you really should. The only thing that would have made it better was having you in the picture. You really need to get a camera with a time delay so that you can jump in too.