Friday, June 19, 2009

Evening Stroll

Psalm 37:19 (New Living Translation)

"They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough."

The kids and I went for a walk this evening. The temperature was about 86 degrees with a light warm breeze. We walked to the Blockbuster to rent a video for movie night.

Lately, I have grown fond of watching the sky. I believe it to be one of God's most beautiful masterpieces. Have you ever stopped to really look at the sky? It is a grand phenomenon that is ever changing. It reminds me of my life. Two years ago, my world crashed down around me. I didn't know which way was up. But the most valuable thing that I have learned is to praise God in all situations and ask Him to show me the purpose of the situation.

Although things are much better for me than they were last year this time, there are times when it is challenging. Often times, I do not have enough money to make it between pay checks - yet, God always provides. There are times when I do not know how a need will be met - God ensures there is no lack in my house.

I have learned not to spend frivolously. I have learned to tell my money where to go rather than asking "where did it go?" I have learned to get back to basics. And I believe that to be a very positive thing. I do not have any credit cards. I have to rely solely on God. In that, I have learned to be thankful for everything. Being thankful for everything helps me not to complain about anything. I have also learned that someone is worse off than me. So I have learned the importance of giving because I am more blessed than I think I am.

Tonight, I was able to rent a movie because of a gift card I received. NyCee wanted to watch Madagascar - it was only 99 cents to rent. The gift card was valued at $5 so I rented two movies tonight and we can watch another one tomorrow evening. It's a simple thing but I am grateful for the simple things.

I know that tomorrow will better than today and this situation is temporary. Just the like ever changing sky, my circumstances are ever changing for the better. Remember the words of David:

Psalm 103 (New Living Translation)

A psalm of David.
1 Let all that I am praise the Lord;
with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
2 Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things he does for me.
3 He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases.
4 He redeems me from death
and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
5 He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
6 The Lord gives righteousness
and justice to all who are treated unfairly.

7 He revealed his character to Moses
and his deeds to the people of Israel.
8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
9 He will not constantly accuse us,
nor remain angry forever.
10 He does not punish us for all our sins;
he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.
11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him
is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
12 He has removed our sins as far from us
as the east is from the west.
13 The Lord is like a father to his children,
tender and compassionate to those who fear him.
14 For he knows how weak we are;
he remembers we are only dust.
15 Our days on earth are like grass;
like wildflowers, we bloom and die.
16 The wind blows, and we are gone—
as though we had never been here.
17 But the love of the Lord remains forever
with those who fear him.
His salvation extends to the children’s children
18 of those who are faithful to his covenant,
of those who obey his commandments!

19 The Lord has made the heavens his throne;
from there he rules over everything.

20 Praise the Lord, you angels,
you mighty ones who carry out his plans,
listening for each of his commands.
21 Yes, praise the Lord, you armies of angels
who serve him and do his will!
22 Praise the Lord, everything he has created,
everything in all his kingdom.

Let all that I am praise the Lord

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