Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Mall Madness

Will someone please tell me who is the inventor of merry-go-rounds in a mall? I would really like to shake some sense into that person and ask, "WHAT THE PISS WERE YOU THINKING?" What was a quick trip to the mall, (as quick as the trip can be with two small children) has now become this huge ordeal. NyCee has discovered the merry-go-rounds actual work and are not just for show.

After leaving the post office, she ran to the "hel-a-toper" and said she wanted to get on. I thought, okay, what is the harm of her sitting in there? Oh, no just sitting. My child genius knows that money goes in there some kind of way to make it work because she exclaimed, "Money. Mommy. Money" as she pressed the buttons.

I put the money in the machine and as it began to move, she attempted to jump out. She cried, "Mommy moving." Mommy."

I reassured here several times that she was not going to fly away and that the "hel-a-toper" was safe. After she calmed down and the ride stopped, she wanted to ride it over and over again. I had to nip that in the bud because at 75 cents for a 1 minute ride, the bill was adding up.

1 comment:

Undomestic said...

Ever try taking your kids to a mall with an entire amusement park in the center?

WE don't go together unless it involves rides. Otherwise it's just a complete whinefest!