Thursday, January 17, 2008

Awesome Testimony!

This story is not about me but I wanted to share it with those who read the blog as a point of inspiration.

During Sunday morning service, Pastor Mike told the congregation of a little girl named Syndey who could only hear at 30%. Syndey is about 3 or 4 years old. Well, he prayed for her and had the congregation command her ears to open so that her hearing would be restored 100%.

Well Praise God that Syndey's hearing has been restored. We were told during last night's service that she is hearing better than ever. God is so amazing and it just reminds me that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" Hebrews 13:8. Truly NOTHING is impossible for God!


I also wanted to share a little bit about the trip to Peru that Pastor Mike and his wife took last week. Please visit the church's website Cross Current Church and click on the link for Peru update.

This community in Peru was destroyed by an earthquake in Aug 2007 and these people are still working to restore their homes. It touched me tremendously because often times I think about all that I lost last year. My beautiful home, my furnishings and all other material possessions. My things were lost because of a poor decision to trust someone who had no intentions of providing for me. These people lost everything through no fault of their own.

The next time you begin feeling sorry for yourself that you don't have all the "things" you want in life, think about these people and lift your hands to God, open your mouth and praise Him. Because I guarantee you, the roof over your head, the food on your table, the warmth of your bed, and the clothes on your back is a lot more than these people have.

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