Wednesday, January 23, 2008


There are not many things that REALLY irritate me. Yes, I say that things are, "wearing me out." But really they aren't. But nothing irriates me more like cold piss on a hot summer's day than when people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Now I truly just can not wrap my mind around the difficulty of completing this necessary step. In most cases, when you leave the stall, you will pass a sink. Why is it so hard for people to stop and take 2 minutes to wash their hands? After all, they were in contact with waste. BIOHAZARD! Hello. That is the purpose of using the bathroom~it rids your body of the waste produced.

I have lost track of the number of encounters I have had over the past few weeks. I just want to scream out, "WASH YOUR HANDS! NASTY MCWASTY! ARGHHHHH!" If my 22 month child knows to wash her hands after using the potty, why can't adults get that concept? Honestly, now that wears me out.

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