Last night, NyCee decided that she did not want to go to sleep at her normal bedtime of 8:00p. For whatever reason, she decided that she wanted juice, cookies, milk, or anything that she could think of to avoid going to sleep.
Several times, she said, "Ma, potty." I asked, "NyCee do you have to put pee-pee in the potty." She'd nod her head and say, "Yes." Well, after a couple of times of removing the diaper and taking her to the potty only to have her smile while sitting there, I put a diaper on her and put her little self back in the bed.
About an hour or so passed and I thought that she was sleeping. WRONG! She walked out to the living room saying, "Ma. Mommy." To which I replied, "Yes." "I boo-boo potty." So of course when I checked her diaper, she in fact had done the deed. Well, during the diaper changing process, she repeated, "Ma. boo-boo potty." When I asked, "NyCee do you have to put boo-boo in the potty?" She nodded, "Yes." I thought she was stalling again and I told her it was too late for the potty because she already boo-booed.
15 minutes later when I began my bedtime process, she was still lying there wide awake repeating, "Ma, boo-boo." Let's just say, I wouldn't have wasted so many diapers last night if I had just listened to what she was trying to tell me.