Last night, NyCee decided that she did not want to go to sleep at her normal bedtime of 8:00p. For whatever reason, she decided that she wanted juice, cookies, milk, or anything that she could think of to avoid going to sleep.
Several times, she said, "Ma, potty." I asked, "NyCee do you have to put pee-pee in the potty." She'd nod her head and say, "Yes." Well, after a couple of times of removing the diaper and taking her to the potty only to have her smile while sitting there, I put a diaper on her and put her little self back in the bed.
About an hour or so passed and I thought that she was sleeping. WRONG! She walked out to the living room saying, "Ma. Mommy." To which I replied, "Yes." "I boo-boo potty." So of course when I checked her diaper, she in fact had done the deed. Well, during the diaper changing process, she repeated, "Ma. boo-boo potty." When I asked, "NyCee do you have to put boo-boo in the potty?" She nodded, "Yes." I thought she was stalling again and I told her it was too late for the potty because she already boo-booed.
15 minutes later when I began my bedtime process, she was still lying there wide awake repeating, "Ma, boo-boo." Let's just say, I wouldn't have wasted so many diapers last night if I had just listened to what she was trying to tell me.
That is good that she acknowledges when she has to use the bathroom, or "potty". She is getting to be such a big girl! Lewis
I can't believe you. You wanted Nycee to be potty trained, she tells you when she has to go, and you don't listen. What's up with that. Your grand dad said "common sense". You have a son coming soon, you better take all the help, not changing diapers, you can get.
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