Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Nothing! Nada! Zilch!

I saw the OB today. (Well, I had to see the nurse because he was called out to deliver a baby at the hospital across the street from his office.) Anyway, Tyler is still in place.

No progress. He is just content to live in the womb kicking the crap out of mommy everyday.

He is not due until 04/16/2008 but I just knew he would be considerate and come out while I was on break from school.

Sunday, my family thought I was having contractions because my lower back was really hurting and I felt pressure in the pelvic area. (More pressure than normal. I never experienced labor pains with NyCee as my labor was induced with her. However, prior to the induction process, I was given LOTS of drugs so I don't know what a contraction feels like.) As a result, my mom called Tarisa to come over and stay with me while she and my dad were at church. But nothing happened. I think Tarisa was more disappointed than I was. And of course today I learned that Ty was just moving around trying to make room for himself.

So, the pregnancy continues..


Anonymous said...

Hang on, the time is closer than before...you can do it. Soon the pain will all be a memory and you will have a beautiful and precious son.

Undomestic said...

I didn't know contractions until Ella. And it was quite a few hours before I figured out that's what they were!

Praying for a successful delivery!