Tuesday, April 08, 2008

3/4 Nearly Completed

My cousin Cari is a breast cancer survivor and during her chemo treatments she often referred to them in terms of the miles for completing a marathon. (Cari is an advent runner and has completed many marathons throughout the years.) While I have never run a marathon, I could relate to her analogy. As each phases passes, it is another milestone completed. 1/2 way mark, 3/4 mark, etc.

That is how I feel. The past few months have been challenging to say the least but as I ran the race with patience (Hebrews 12:1), I can see how each milestone moment puts me closer to completing this part of the race.

For the past 24 weeks, I have been in graduate school and have taken 3 courses each quarter. Graduate school is challenging but rewarding. Also, caring for my toddler, growing from being pregnant with Ty (who still has not made his debut), and planning my future has been draining. But I am reminded of an old adage my grandmother Minnie used to say: "When you think you have no shoes, think of the man with no feet." In other words, someone is worse off than you so be thankful to God for what you have.

When I think of how far I have come with respect to my educational endeavors, I stop and look up to heaven and thank God for the journey. No, it has not been easy. Yes, there have been tear filled nights. ("Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5b.) I am over the half way mark and am continuing to press toward the goal. And I run my race with joy and patience for I can see how all the hard work, rocky patches, and trips through the valley, pays off.

With that being said, I have to hit the books as classes started back up yesterday. 3classes, 11 weeks, 1 pending birth, 1 spunky toddler, 1 20 page proposal to write, 8 journal entries, 2 research papers, and a partridge in a pear tree (HA! HA!): Lord Jesus continue to give me strength.

(Have you ever noticed how quickly a two week vacation passes?)


Anonymous said...

God how I love you. You have to be one of the strongest women on the face of this earth.


Undomestic said...

Wow, you have so much going on. I could never do that. I pray for your strength!