Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Search Is On......

Now that Tyler has made his debut I have actively begun searching for work. Yes, I know that he is only two weeks old and technically I can not begin working until after my six week check up, but I wanted to get a jump on getting resumes out.

Many people have asked me where I will be moving to now that he is born. Well, to be honest, wherever I get a job. I have not lived in Michigan in 10 years and this is not my home. It was merely a necessary pit stop on my journey of life. Personally, Phoenix is more home to me than any other place I have ever lived. (And believe me, there have been a lot of places.) But what I have realized is that I am not in my 20's anymore and moving all of over the country is not an option. While I wouldn't take back those experiences, I know that it is time for me to settle into a career and make a home for me and my children. And I am ready.

But I also realize that beggars can not be choosers. I have two children who have be through enough drama. I can not stand to put them through anymore. I know they don't have a choice in the matter of where we live but I have to accept the first offer that comes (outside of the state of Michigan as I REFUSE to stay here) with the salary requirement I need to support them. So while I do not want to live a frozen tundra, if that is where the job is, that is where I will be.

Ahhh, the joys of adulthood.

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