Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My first restless night

My cousin Cari is a wife, mother of three, marathon runner, and graduate student. Yep, you guessed it, she is a busy woman. She often tells stories of how her little ones wake up in the middle of the night Max (2) demanding milk and Ella (10 months) well just demanding something. But they are so cute that I just imagine their little eyes looking up at Cari at 3:30a.m. saying, "But mommy I really needed you."

I would read her stories and be sympathetic to her plight but never really understood it as NyCee has slept through the night since coming home from the hospital. Well, that came to a screeching halt last night. NyCee suffered her first REAL cold last night. Sneezing, coughing, cold in the eyes so bad that they were almost sealed shut, chest congestion, you name it. But she was a little trooper and not too fussy.

I went to Target and bought cold medicine for her. I gave it to her about 9:00p.m. thinking that it wouldn't kick in until about 10:00p.m. WRONG! She fell asleep 15 minutes later. She did not have her cereal or bottle.

12:30a.m. she began crying so I went to her room and brought her to bed with me.
2:30 a.m she woke herself up tossing and turning.
4:30 a.m. she woke up sneezing and coughing. I gave her another dose of medicine as the 6 hour mark had passed.
Finally she went back to sleep around 5:30a.m. Keep in mind, I have to wake her up at 8:30a.m. to take her to the daycare.

Cari, I feel your pain. Now I completely understand how tired you are the next day.

Is this what most new mothers go through? Thank God on the throne that He saw fit to give me a wonderful child that did not torture me in such a way. Praise be unto Jesus! Praise be unto Jesus!


Undomestic said...

How fun to see my munchkins on your blog! I hope Nycee is feeling better. Ella has finally started sleeping through the night...but not Max. At least 2 times a night he's up. And lately it has been with food 1AM, pancakes at 3AM....ridiculous. One night I did just give him some grapes because I couldn't take the screaming that follows when I just grab him and make him lie down with me...screaming that goes directly into my ear!!!! And Melvin likes to lecture me about how I should just return him to his own bed and not let him stay in our room....easy for him to say..he hears NONE of this.

I hope Nyee allows you some sleep soon.

Undomestic said...

Can you believe ALL THREE of my kiddos slept through the night last night? Hallelujah!