Friday, December 07, 2007

Oh so good!

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, who lives in a suburb of Chicago, about a few of my favorite foods that I remember from living there.

1. A Chicago style hotdog . Who knew that a hotdog could taste so good? And they are made from 100% beef. Bonus!

2. Giordano's deep dish pizza. This is an awesome slice of pizza pie. Yummy!

3. But the thing that I missed the most was walking down Michigan Ave with a bag of Garrett's Popcorn. This is the best popcorn Ever! It is a wonderful blend of caramel and cheese popcorns mixed together and nearly melts in your mouth. How sinfully awesome!

Yesterday, she surprised me by having a can of Garrett's Popcorn delivered to me as a Christmas gift. How sweet, huh?

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. I consumed 1/2 the tub yesterday while watching Grey's Anatomy and ER.

I was doing so well this month as I had not gained any weight. Well, that is going to go right out the window because I will eat this entire container and dare anyone, including my 20 month old daughter, to come near it. That could be very dangerous for them as I cannot responsible for my actions.


Undomestic said...

Funny...I'm sitting here eating cheese popcorn as I'm reading your blog.

And um, aren't you supposed to gain weight when you're pregnant!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cari!

I was just about to make a comment about that myself. Eat away! Dayna! It's your perogative (and right now a good excuse)

Love you much,
Auntie Nita