Saturday, August 02, 2008

Quality Time

I woke up this morning about 4:00a with the intention of working on my project while my children slept. I must have 30 pages of the paper completed by Wednesday of next week. So I decided instead of attempting to eat the entire elephant in one sitting, it would be easier if I write about 5 or 6 pages a night. Generally, I will lay down with the kids at 800p and wake up about 1100p to work on the paper while it's quiet.

But guess who decided that she wanted to wake up also. Yes, Ms. NyCee. She sat straight up in the bed and exclaimed, "Mommy, wake from my nap." I said, "No. It's time to go back to sleep." She just sat there and looked at me strange as if to say, "you are awake." I laid down next to her and read a few bible verses, we went to the potty (after she told me she had to go), and we had a cup of water. But to no avail, those little eyes did not close.

Then after about 15-20 minutes of dealing with her, guess who decided he wanted to wake up and smile at the world. Yup, Mr. Tyler. So needless to say, at 500a when they both finally went back to sleep, I was sleepy and no pages of my paper were written last night.

1 comment:

Undomestic said...

It's hard when you're under a time constraint, especially when you can't control everything that occupies your time. I'll pray for a good day of rest for all of you and some quality time to hit the books early this week. Hang in there!