Friday, August 08, 2008

Quite the Character

My daughter never ceases to amaze me. Just when I think she can not get any funnier, she does. I have noticed lately that her personality is developing a little more each day. Which I guess is a good thing. But it's the manifestation of it that cracks me up. For example, earlier today I called her name a couple of times as I was trying to get her to come to where I was. She exclaimed, "I am coming Mommy. Good Gravy." As if to say, "Look lady, I heard you!"

Even disciplining her, to a degree, is comical. She knows when she has done something wrong because before I can even explain why she is being disciplined, she exclaims, "Yes Ma'am." Immediately I think, "Yes Ma'am what? You don't even know what I am about to say!"

She is also really good with Tyler. She plays with him and trys to get him to laugh. Her laugh is so boisterous and jovial that it really lights up the room. She is a joy to have. I am very blessed to have her as a daughter.

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