Sunday, July 02, 2006

And a child shall lead them....

Not too long ago, I wrote about the struggle that I was having with NyCee regarding the fact that she would sleep anywhere except her crib/bassinet. I also praised her when she began sleeping in her own bed and through the night. As I thought about it, the Lord revealed to me why she has so much trouble with the transition in the beginning. She was being forced out of her comfort zone.

Have you ever been at a place in life where everything you knew was changed or modified? Were you were placed in a new environment? Or faced with a challenge that you seemingly did not have an answer for? That is what NyCee went through transitioning from sleeping in the comfort zone of mommy and daddy’s bed to her own bed. While in my bed, she knew that if she woke up she would see one of us and that brought her a sense of peace. She had to learn that although she was in a new environment, one of us was with in calling distance.

Isn’t it amazing how God can use the simplest things to get our attention? I was recently moved out of my comfort zone. But I found rest and peace in the knowledge that God is my father and He is just a prayer/cry away. NyCee learned that her mother and father are just a cry/whimper away.

Look at how restful she is. Let us labor to enter into God’s rest (Hebrews 4:10). Once we enter His rest, we, like NyCee will relax, close our eyes, and let the peace of God fill our hearts, mind and soul. She has no doubt in her mind that one of her parents will be there when she calls. Are you that way with God?


Undomestic said...

Such a beautiful post and a wonderful reminder.

Although, you are completely piquing my interest with your doors closing and comfort zone posts. Can you share what happened?

Anonymous said...

Man, Dana, that really touched my heart! I am at a plae in my life right now, where it was time to "let go and let God". After reading that message (sermon*smile*) you gave I realize that that is all it takes...Just realize that no matter how hard the situation or how far God may SEEM...He's just a cry or prayer away! God bless you and your family and may God alaways be the source of knowledge and love in your lie!
Your Brother "in-love",