Saturday, November 04, 2006

Oops...I did it again!

I enrolled in a mini-session course this quarter and it began yesterday. As usual, I logged into the course and printed out all the necessary information. Later that evening, I sat down in preparation of completing the first assignment. I listened to the lecture and followed along with the PowerPoint presentations. As I prepared to complete the first assignment, I began flipping through the book for the section which pertained to the question. I looked in the table of contents, the glossary, and the index section. But I was unable to locate the information. Frustrated, I walked away from the desk and a voice inside said, "Look at the cover of the book." So I walked back and flipped to the front of the book. It read, "Business Ethics." I am enrolled in "Principles of Management." See the problem? Further, I have had this book in my possesion for two weeks and it never dawned on me that it was the wrong book. I am enrolled in a Business Ethics course for Winter, so when I placed the order for the book, that was the schedule I used.

It gets better. I don't know how to return the book because I don't have the invoice that came with it as I threw it away. If I keep the book, they may not use it next quarter so I will have to buy a new book. This was truly the wrong session to make this mistake. The mini-session crams 12 weeks worth of work into 6 weeks so I am already behind. Oops, there went $69.50 down the drain.

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