Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Look Everyone. No Hands!"

Lewis finally captured a photo of NyCee standing without holding onto something. How cute is this?

She reminds me of the old Karate films as if she is taking a defensive stand. Just like a girl. She waits until she is alone with her dad to do this grand gesture so he gets all the glory of helping her stand alone. Mothers never get any credit.


Anonymous said...

How adorable!!! I think she looks like a movie star holding her hands out as if to say, "No more pictures" or "No comment". lol! I'm so sorry you had to miss that moment, it's like the Da Da thing. They always say it first, no matter how many times a day we repeat Ma Ma. They must know instinctively how to stay on the good side of their fathers. Mothers always have an uphill battle, but hang in there. There are many more First that she will include you in and regrettably leave Dad as the one looking in.

Undomestic said...

All those hours I spent at home with Cameron while Melvin was at work and he chose to take his first steps the one night a week I was in class and his daddy was watching him. GRRRRRR!!!!