Thursday, March 08, 2007

Back in Business

Yesterday, I went to BestBuy to have my digital camera repaired. Well, they politely told me that I have a credit and that I need to go select a new camera. I thought, "OK, I am glad that it broke before the warranty expired." Well, I walked back to the camera selection and picked out a new shiny toy for myself. It was $10.00 more than the original camera but it has such cool features.

The main feature is that the date will print on the pictures. My last camera was designed to only print the date with their picture printer and their memory card. (It was an Olympus brand). Oh convenient was that. This one is a Fuji and they make reliable products. I use to buy the disposable cameras made by them. Hopefully, NyCee will perform grand stunts now that the camera is working again and not become camera shy.

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