Thursday, March 22, 2007


I just finished my exam for my Legal 100 class. I am a Human Resources major, why I am taking legal is beyond me. I took it as a 5 week course so it was brutal. I logged into the exam feeling very confident. Until 5 hours ago, I had an "A" in the class. I did so poorly on the final exam, which was worth 400 points, that my final grade is a "C". I want to cry!

My GPA is shot to (you know where) all because of that "C". The exam was ridiculously hard. I could not even locate half the answers and didn't understand the questions.

NyCee has finally stopped nursing so now would be the time to pour a glass of wine to drown out my sorrow. Better yet, a glass of Grey Goose Vodka would do the trick. Pass the bottle please!

1 comment:

Undomestic said...

Hang in there Dayna! Drink some wine and drown those sorrows. Then wake up tomorrow and put it all in perspective. It's a silly passed...your GPA is no shot...and you have more classes to take! Good luck!