Friday, March 02, 2007


So this morning, I get up and begin to follow my morning routine. I wash my face; brush my teeth, pop in the contact lenses. In preparation to shave my legs, I get out the razor, pop on the new blade, run the water in the sink basin, and begin looking around for my shaving gel. I stood for a couple of minutes pondering where it could be. I looked in the shower, under the sink, in the linen closet but no shower gel was to be found. Again, I paused and re-visited all the places that I just looked.

So now, I am in a dilemma. I said to myself, "Self." Myself said, "Yeah what's up? Do I:
A} shave with soap, like when I was a kid and didn't know that shower gel existed,
B} forgo shaving my legs again and continue to walk around like a hairy beast, or
C} use something called "Beard Buster" that I found in my husband's cabinet?"

You guessed it! I chose "C." Men's shaving gel smells so strong. The manufacturer really should make a brand with a unisex scent for cases like this when a wife runs out of shaving gel and needs to use her husband's.

But is worked wonderfully and my legs are as smooth as silk. Fancy that!

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