Monday, November 26, 2007

Dayna's Vagina Monologue

This morning, I had a doctor's appointment to check on the baby four weeks after the ultrasound. The baby's heartbeat is strong and stable.

But that is not what intrigued me about the visit. As I sat in the waiting room, holding my urine in a cup inside of a plastic bag on my lap, my mind began to wonder what in the world my cousin Max does at work all day long. He is on OB/GYN in Minnesota.

Women no longer had faces but were old vaginas, young vaginas, fat vaginas, skinny vaginas, clean vaginas, stinky vaginas, white vaginas, and my lonely black vagina. I was the only black person in the entire building. But that was not my original focal point. I began to wonder was everyone's vagina broken or sick in some way? Let's face it, that is the only time you go to the gynecologist. I know that somewhere in the world someone is having a baby everyday but not in this office I presume. What would make anyone want to fix vagina's all day?

I guess the same could be asked of the heart surgeon, eye doctor or brain surgeon. But honestly, I just don't know if I could stand to wake up in the morning knowing that I was going to have a day filled with vagina looking. Weird.

The other weird thing was that I was carrying my urine around in a container that I placed inside of a plastic bag. It was not an inconspicuous container so that no one would know what it was. Nope, that would have been too easy. It was a clear container filled with urine that sat on my lap in the waiting room.

So now, not only am I self-conscious about the urine on my lap and wondering if every vagina in the room is wondering why I am carrying it around-I am consciously aware that I am the only black person in the building. Not just in the waiting room. In the entire building. Then I begin to wonder why I was the only person with urine on her lap and why I was the only black person in the entire office? There are black people in Port Huron. Am I the only pregnant black woman in Port Huron? Or are there no sick or broken black vaginas in Port Huron? And, was I made to bring my own urine in a cup because I am the only black pregnant person in Port Huron? Strange.

After all of that, I was called to the back to see the doctor who is a white man but very nice. He was a bit late for my appointment as he had to go across the street to the hospital and deliver a baby. So I guess in between healing sick and repairing broken vaginas, OB/GYN's take a break to assist in the miracle of birth.

But after thinking about all of that, I realized that I really need to get out of the house and join the workforce again to keep my mind from wondering toward such ridiculous thoughts. I did ask why I had to carrying my urine around in a cup and was told that for pregnant women, the test conducted on the urine sample provides the best results from a sample taken first thing in the morning. Okay, that makes sense. Next, I just have to figure out how to tactfully ask about repairing vagina's all day and if I am the only pregnant black woman in Port Huron.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sweetie, next time take a book or a crossword puzzle or something with you so you won't be bored! That last question, about what makes someone decide to look at sick vaginas all day, you should probably ask Max, I'm sure he'll give you a doosy of an answer, and don't forget to share.

Love you much,
Auntie Nita