This morning around 1:30a NyCee came into my room holding a box of crayons. (As a child, my parents used to leave the Christmas tree illuminated. I did the same thing so I am sure it drew NyCee's attention. I did not get her initial reaction as I was sound asleep.) But once in my room,
She said, "Mommy, look."
I replied, "What's that baby?"
"Come here. Come see, Mommy." As she proceeded into the living room.
When I followed behind her, she said, "Ta-dah! Christmas."
She began to jump up and down saying, "Dora. Dora." So we sat down and opened a few of the gifts and I let her play for about 30 or 40 minutes. Then, we went back to bed. I had to let her sleep in my bed with her new Dora pillow as a bribe to get some sleep.
Almost simultaneously, NyCee tapped me on the head asking if she could play while Tarisa was sending a text message asking if we were awake. The time was around 715a. I managed to get myself out of the bed, wash my face, brush my teeth and lead NyCee to the living room. Tyler was still sleeping soundly. (He woke up around 530a but I quickly changed his diaper and gave him a bottle so that he would go back to sleep.)
Around 800a, both kids were up and playing. Although NyCee played with Tyler's toys, she brought them over to him saying, "Here buddy. Play with this one."
By 1130a, she was pooped. So, I laid her down for a nap as we were invited over to Lorie and Dan's (a couple from my church) for dinner. Lorie and Dan have agreed to serve as a mentor family for NyCee and Tyler. To me, it is important they see a Christian family unit. In turn, I will serve as a mentor to their 12 year old daughter Kayla.
We enjoyed dinner at Lorie's and then returned home around 630p. I was even blessed with several gifts from friends who were single moms in the past and wanted me to have gifts to open today as well. I am constantly amazed at how God shows his love for me.
Our night ended with Tyler pooping all up his back and on the bed sheets--sweet! But thankfully, it was before his bath. Then, I popped a big bowl of popcorn and the kids and I watched a Care Bear Movie NyCee received as a Christmas gift.
It was cold and rainy here today. (Temps in the low 50s) But it was truly the best Christmas Ever--so far.
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