Tuesday, December 02, 2008

15 days and counting....

There are 15 days remaining until I am finish with my graduate program. And I am really counting the days. I am so tired of school work! Good Gravy! But I can see the finish line ahead.

My Internet services sucks and works when it wants to. Thus, it is making it challenging for me to complete my final two projects. One professor granted an extension. I have not received a response from the other yet.

You know what? I will complete all that I can by Friday for submission. I can not stress myself out over it.

I constantly pray for strength. Working two jobs, completing two classes, raising two children alone is no joke! But God gives me the grace to run my race and thankfully He holds everything together for me.

The blog postings will be few over the next couple of weeks as I try to focus my energy on completing school. Hang in there with me.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Phillipians 4:13

1 comment:

Undomestic said...

Praying for you! You can do it Superwoman!!!!