Tuesday, June 27, 2006

As Good As the First Time

My sister emailed me and asked if Lewis and I ate the top tier to our wedding cake on our anniversary. To be honest, we totally forgot that it was in the freezer. After reading her email, I proceeded to the freezer, placed the cake on the counter to begin the process of unthawing, and sat back down on the couch.

I told Lewis what Tarisa said about the cake and he admitted that he too forgot that it was in the freezer. (Note: we were already a day late—our anniversary was 06/25/06. We took the cake out of the freezer on 06/26/06.) What kind of newlyweds are we?

My aunt made my wedding cake as a gift to Lewis and me. Everyone ranted and raved about how wonderful the cake was. We only had one very small piece at the reception. Well, the cake unthawed and wouldn’t you know that it tasted as good yesterday as it did on our wedding day. I was so amazed. It was not freezer burned or anything. How is it that a cake can stay fresh for one year yet steak gets freezer burned after 2 months?


Undomestic said...

We forgot about ours, too. I think I thawed it a couple days later, but Melvin refused to eat it. It still tasted good to me.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, no pics of the cake?

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about your family's cooking/baking makes my mouth water. yummmm! If you have any of those meatballs or ribs from your wedding left you can send them my way.