Thursday, October 23, 2008

Faith Walk

Moving to Phoenix, this time around, was truly a walk of faith. I knew in my heart that moving was the right thing to do. It just took a WHOLE LOTTA faith to actually do it seeing as how I didn't have job, no job prospects (other than substitute teaching which I really did NOT want to do), no interviews lined up-nothing. I packed up my kids and moved on faith.

Now, some people thought that I was being "Flighty Dayna" and just flying by the seat of my pants. I promise, that this time, I put a lot of thought and prayer into this decision.

Since moving, I have had seven, yes, seven job interviews. Two of which came this week. Now, given the current state of the economy, I consider that a true blessing from God. When I didn't get the job two weeks ago, I was bummed out because I thought that I "needed" a full time job to take care of me and my children. Wrong! What I needed to do was stretch my faith and remember that God feeds the birds surely He will take care of us (Matthew 6:26-31).

I have received blessing after blessing. All my bills are paid in full and on time. Remember, I just started working on 09/18 and 10/20 respectively.Financial blessings have come to me to meet that need. Yesterday, I received a call about a full time position and had a phone interview. I am not really interested in the position but I do not pass up opportunities to brush up on my interviewing skills. Today, while in training, my phone rang and it was another company calling to conduct a phone interview. Again, I am not interested in the position but will seize the opportunity for a face-to-face interview if one is offered.

I am not interested because my current situation works very well for me. I work one part-time job Monday-Friday (2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon) and my other part-time job on Saturday nights. The kids are in daycare all day and I have time to complete my schoolwork during my down time. This opens up my evenings for rest and time with the kids. Actual quality time with them. And if by the time I complete my doctoral program, NyCee will be in Kindergarten thereby reducing my daycare cost.

One of the pastors at my church teaches, "Short term pain reaps long term rewards." What am I saying? It would be better for me to stay at my part-time job (for which I am receiving state retirement points and matching 401k benefits) and complete my doctoral program rather than take a full-time job for $40k and drive myself mad trying to be superwoman. Yes, in the short term, I will be on a strict budget. But the long term reward is worth it!

I just think about how awesome God is to have even opened the doors of employment opportunities. It just reminds me that He has everything under control. But I had to do my part which was act on my faith.

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