Thursday, September 27, 2007

6 days later.....

Yesterday, my mother's old cell phone that I had been using just died while I was in the middle of a conversation. I took the phone to the verizon store to see if the technician could revive it. I was told sympathetically, "The phone was dead because the battery was warped." I called my mom and explained what happened. She replied, "I am going to find that phone when I get home." I just said, "Okay." But secretly thinking that she is not going to find it because Tarisa and I looked for it every where we could think of.

This morning prior to leaving for work, my mother began looking for the phone. 10 minutes later she exclaimed, "I found it." "Where?" I asked. And she pointed behind the baby's booster seat.

I did think to look under the seat but not behind it. The reason that I could not hear it vibrating was because NyCee turned the sound off. I really did not want to buy a new phone. It was not so much the phone as all my contact information in the phone. Well, another episode of "NyCee's Antics" has a happy ending.


Undomestic said...

Yeah! Isn't it such a rush when you finally do find something you've lost!!!

Anonymous said...


MORE PICTURES! And not just of Nycee, but of you too! MORE PICTURES!

Love you much,
Auntie Nita