Sunday, September 02, 2007

"Stop that runaway pooch!!"

Every morning around 8:30a Mocha is let out to relieve herself and get some exercise. She is on a leash until she completes her business and then she is free to run around the yard. Normally, she runs around for about 30 minutes and then sits on the step until someone opens the door for her.

Today, I noticed that she was out for an extended period of time without whining to come back in the house. I walked out to the fenced yard and noticed that she was gone. I kept calling her name and she did not respond. Now, NyCee was in the house so I am torn between finding Mocha and catering to my 17 month old who is inquisitive and busy. I am in a panic because I don't know where Mocha is and all I can think, "My father is going to kill me for losing Mocha." As soon as I came back in the house to put NyCee's shoes and begin canvassing the neighborhood, the neighbor knocked on the door with Mocha in tow. He stated that Mocha was in the front playing close to the house but she was going toward the street so he thought he should bring her back.

Now, I was trying to figure out how Mocha got out of the yard. Apparently, she has been sliding under the fence door and playing in the front of the house. Then, she slides back under the door and waits to be let in the house at the back door where she was let out. That Mocha is a sneaky little dog!

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