Saturday, September 15, 2007

Where do I go from here?

I have spent most of the day pondering over the decision of, "Where do I go from here?" Everyone keeps asking me if I am going to return to flying. There is a part of me that misses that life so much but I know that it would be too hard on the baby for me to be gone for 4-6 days at at time. Additionally, I am at the point where I want my career to go in another direction. I dream of the corner office with the picture window over looking the lake and my name etched on the door: Dayna Carlisle Thompson, Director of....

Of what? I have been in the airline industry for nearly 10 years. I love it. I miss it and I want to go back to it. But the problem is that airlines have strategic locations for their headquarters and in order to advance the way I want, I would have to be in one of those locations. So what is the dilemma? The only airline that fits my desire to not live in the cold and snow is in Tempe, AZ. That is too far away from my family as I have to think of the baby. I could bundle her up and brave the Minnesota cold and live near my cousins who have a daughter that is only 3 months older than NyCee. But WOW! Talk about snow and cold.

Now that I have completed my undergraduate work, I feel that I should put the degree to use. And in 12 months, I will add another diploma to my list of pedigrees. I have decided that I will pursue my Ph.D if for no other reason than to keep my loans in deferment until I find a job that will allow me to start making the payments. HA! But I like the sound of Dayna Carlisle Thompson, Ph.D. (smile)

I know that the sky is the limit and I can do anything that I set my mind to. Thanks to my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I have always been successful in any endeavor that I have attempted. I guess I should take this two week break from school to think about the direction of my career instead of veggie out in front of the tube watching Lifetime Movie Network & Playhouse Disney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


A young woman with your faith and courage should have no problem in making a decision. Why? Because first of all, you know you have to pray for the Lord's guidance and direction in all of your decision making. Secondly, you know you have to follow and do what He says you should do. Finally, you know that we would really miss Nycee, Oh...and we would miss you too (smile), so get those frequently flyer miles together so we can visit you (smile!) or you can visit us ... often!

I know that you, with the Lord's guidance, will make the decision that is best for you, Nycee, and the people that love you. I have faith in you because of the faith I know you have in God.

You're in my prayers, always!

Love you much,
Auntie Nita