Monday, September 18, 2006

All by Herself

NyCee will be six months old on Wednesday, September 20 and according to "the book" (you remember "the book"; the one that told me how much to feed her which caused my family to laugh at me. Yes, that book.) she should be sitting up around six months old. Well, I was getting a little nervous about her progression in this area because nothing had materialized yet. When laying down she would attempt to sit up as if she were doing crunches and she would repeat this pattern in her carseat. But when I would try to sit her up, she would just fall over.

As you know, I am the classic overachiever and I expect for my daughter to follow in my footsteps. And she has not failed to disappoint. NyCee was sitting with Taliyah and she began sitting up all by herself.

Taliyah explained in great length how she had to position NyCee in an exact manner and how she (Taliyah) had to sit behind her to ensure that she would sit there by herself. Taliyah showed me the steps and sure enough my big girl sat up.

Isn't she just so darn cute?

Of course, it didn't last very long. Like Humpty Dumpty NyCee too had a great fall.

Taliyah told me that by the time I saw NyCee sitting up she had done it several times. At one point, Taliyah said, "Auntie I was going to come and get you when she did it the first time but I thought that if I moved and she fell she would get hurt." "Thank God", I replied. Taliyah and NyCee were sitting on the floor in my parents living room next to the fireplace with is brick with sharp corners. I am so glad that God gave Taliyah the foresight not to move from behind NyCee as that could have been very unpleasant.

(Do not worry. NyCee was not hurt during this re-enactment for mommy. I had to capture it on film.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taliyah is so great with the little ones! Sometimes it takes someone else to show you what your own child can do. I remember dropping Cameron off at daycare one time and noticing that all the kids had bowls of cereal with milk on their highchair trays. I had no idea Cameron could use a spoon and feed himself cereal...and he didn't even knock over the milk.